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2024-06-23 07:41    点击次数:173




1、使用JDK提供的Proxy类和InvocationHandler接口: 通过齐全InvocationHandler接口创建我方的调用处置器,然后使用Proxy类的静态体式newProxyInstance()创建代理对象。

2、使用CGLIB库: CGLIB是一个宏大的、高性能、高质料的Code生成类库,不错在脱手时延伸Java类和齐全Java接口。它常常被用于AOP和测试框架中。

The dynamic proxy in Java refers to a mechanism that dynamically creates proxy classes and objects at runtime, allowing developers to determine the behavior of the proxy class during runtime. There are mainly two ways to implement dynamic proxy:

Using the Proxy class and InvocationHandler interface provided by JDK: Create your own invocation handler by implementing the InvocationHandler interface, and then use the static method newProxyInstance() of the Proxy class to create a proxy object.Using the CGLIB library: CGLIB is a powerful, high-performance开云体育, and high-quality code generation library that can extend Java classes and implement Java interfaces at runtime. It is commonly used in AOP and testing frameworks.